If you are not satisfied with your purchase you can return or exchange the product(s) within 14 days after you've received it.
You can ship the item(s) back by simply follow these steps:
- Make sure the item(s) are in an unused original condition and they include all original packaging and price tags etc.
Place the item(s) in a shipping box/bag. You can use the box/bag that has been sent to you initially if it isn't damaged.
Fill out the return form which was sent alongside the initial delivery. You can also use this form if you want to change your order to for a different size, colour, or other product. When you have an THE JORDAAN COLLECTION customer account, you can also login into your account and announce the return in your order history.
Close the shipping box and tape it properly.
Label the box with the return shipping address (you can find it on the form).
Drop the box off at a trusted shipping carrier. Make sure you include a tracking service so the package can always be traced.
If you want to exchange your product, please contact our Customer Service as soon as possible at so we can reserve your desired colour or size.
All returns must be sent via registered mail in an unused original condition and they include all original packaging and price tags etc. otherwise we can not accept the return.
Returns may take up to 3 working days to process once we have received it.
Please be sure to clearly mark your return shipment as returned goods on any customs or postal forms. We will refund the amount of the returned item(s). We will not refund any costs involved in the return shipment.
Note that upon returning or exchanging any products you make sure to notify your local customs office. They will then refund you the tax and customs fee or prevent you from having to pay them twice. Unfortunately, this isn't anything we can control from here.
Returns that arrive with us later than 14 days after you have received it, cannot be refunded.
In case of a return, we will refund your payment (excl. return shipping costs) within 14 days.
In case of an exchange, you will not be charged for the costs of the second shipment. NB; we do not cover the second shipment for orders outside Western Europe.
In case of a worn defective product: there is a product guarantee on all products with a duration of three months after the purchase date. Product guarantee will only be granted when the proof of purchase is presented and the faults in the product are reasonable and legit. For more info, please contact us at